1-on-1 guidance (online)

Living a soul-aligned life

Online trajectory ‘Your Soul’s Purpose’

This is for the Truth-seekers & Intuitives..

I’m your guide for deepening your inner processes, the further development of your intuitive abilities and potential & a deeper embodiment of your Soul Essence. I combine intuitive energetic work with grounded tools and practices.

Additionally: I offer guidance to entrepreneurs (to-be), to deepen their soul-work and gifts and bring them more powerfully into the world – with or without a personally aligned website, created by SBcreatives.

“Stop adjusting to the outside world and making yourself smaller. True happiness can only be found if you truly dare to be yourself. You will experience the greatest joy by simply expressing your unique energy into the world, while loving yourself unconditionally”

Do you feel a ‘yes’?

I would love to guide you

I want to go to the core of things and become fully centered within myself, without distractions

I’m looking for an intuitive/holistic way of working

I’m ready to start living my full potential and bring this more powerfully into the world

your inner gold

Everyone carries gold within. Everyone has their own uniqueness and potential. Including you! You can choose to reconnect with your gold and embark on an inner adventure. In which you free yourself from everything that still blocks you from living life to the fullest. To use your sensitivity as a strength, instead of it limiting you.

Perhaps there is a deep longing for “home”. For inner peace, love and clarity. Somewhere you may feel what life is supposed to be like: the unity, magic, connection, nature… And yet, you are not yet able to embody it the way you desire. Perhaps you are stuck in fear, old patterns and beliefs, you’re lacking clarity and inner harmony or you don’t know what direction to go. It’s time to build a new, stronger inner foundation and become your own guide and healer – confidently building your most beautiful life.

Tailored to your needs and where you are now,
the following themes can be addressed during our sessions:

Soul Embodiment & Highest Purpose

  • A deeper anchoring of your soul in your body
  • A stronger connection with soul-essence and the Divine Source
  • Remember your gifts, soul-truth, soul-mission and passion and embody them more powerfully
  • Activate your spiritual discernment and be able to navigate more strongly between impure/pure information during this time
  • Gain insight into the next steps on your path

Develop intuitive work

  • Remember/deepen how you can work with energy (healing), intuition, the elements, the earth, your higher soul parts (multi-dimensionality), and your other unique gifts
  • Use your gifts more consciously during this time
  • Experience the magic, creativity, playfulness and flow of life more deeply
  • Discover new layers of your consciousness with a stronger sense of inner harmony and unity


  • Clean up mental programs
  • Transform self-sabotaging and limiting beliefs
  • Let go of insecurities, doubts and limiting identities
  • Integrate new supportive beliefs
  • Allow more soul-aligned manifestations in your life

Inner union

  • Remember who you are in essence, and your real ‘Home’
  • Become your own best friend, healer and guide
  • Feel a stronger connection with your (diamond) heart
  • Experience love for yourself and others in a more unconditional way
  • Integrate (and re-balance) of your inner masculine and inner feminine


  • Heal and let go of fear, old patterns, inner saboteurs, feeling of loneliness, emptiness, powerlessness, repetition loops, pain, confusion, shame, guilt, feelings of inferiority, restlessness or panic
  • Remove energetic debris, programs and limiting influences
  • Discover the gold hidden beneath your challenges/struggles

Transform your daily life

  • Learn how to deal with your high sensitivity
  • Break through limiting patterns and triggers in your relationships
  • Discover what other people/situations mirror you
  • Gain a deeper connection in your relationships
  • Learn to deal with practical/challenging situations/persons
  • Learn to stay connected to your own energy while being in contact with others
  • Make clear choices that come from your own intuition

Inner child & ancestral healing

  • Reconnect with your inner child and give yourself the inner safety and support you need
  • Let go of ancestral themes and patterns that limit you
  • Process old trauma’s
  • Gain clarity about recurring themes and transform them
  • Connect with the wisdom of your lineage

For intrepreneurs (to-be)

  • Gain more clarity about your soul-mission, purpose and gifts
  • Gain clarity about your direction and next steps
  • Deepen your intuitive abilities and energywork
  • Optionally: get a personal website that is aligned to your unique energy
  • Feel empowered to bring your business(idea) to a higher level

Online trajectory ‘Your Soul’s Purpose’

What will you get?

  • 3 online sessions (60-90 minutes per session): accustomed to one or more of the themes above.
  • Access to my online meditation ‘Activation of the Diamond Body – Reclaim inner freedom’.
  • Practical information, tools and practices regarding energywork, self-reflection and bodywork (grounding) to work with in your daily life, to further deepen the connection with your soul, body and intuition and integrating true self-care and well-being on all levels.

Price: 695 euro’s.

Additional option: Do you want to share your creativity, message, or passion with the world through your own website? Or are you an entrepreneur (to-be)? My partner Sander (SB Creatives) is a web designer and, in collaboration with me, can create an authentic website for you, tailored to your energy. Are you interested? Feel free to contact me to discuss the possibilities.

Healing & Activation

My inner journey of healing and transformation has laid a foundation for my work (read more about my background HERE). During this journey I developed a strong discernment in the area of spirituality and I developed my own way of energetic work.

Sustainable and profound healing
I always work from a direct Source-connection and my own Soul Essence. This is the only way for me to allow healing to occur in an organic and safe way and ensures that the impact is sustainable and profound. I always create a safe foundation (container) in which only that which is in accordance with the soul of the client can happen.

Remembrance of one’s own Essence
It is my strength to see the Essence of others and it is my passion to help someone remember who he/she is in Essence. So that someone learns to trust again its own inner wisdom. Everything that stands in the way of this connection with the Soul-Essence we will purify and transform together during the sessions and you will get tools to continue this journey in your daily life.


The sessions are very diverse and I take into account that they meet your needs. You will experience that your own Soul Essence is your greatest guide and how you can communicate with it. I combine the sessions with exercises, coaching and spontaneous energy work. While we are in the process, I use my intuition and I help you gain insights and clarity. This process is always a co-creation between the two of us and therefore requires that you actively participate. Ultimately, this is always the goal of my sessions: to activate your ‘inner knowing’. So you will find your Soul Truth, strength and love within yourself.

During the sessions, new layers will awaken in you, which have a lasting effect on your life. The depth during the sessions always goes hand in hand with lightness, joy and a safe and judgment-free setting in which you can share everything with me.

You are welcome!



I came to Demi because I was looking to reconnect with and trust my intuition. I noticed that traditional talk therapies were limited to cognitive processes, and I felt disconnected from my body. Although I used to have a strong belief in spirituality, I had become increasingly skeptical over the years. However, after the first session, I felt a significant change in myself and my connection with myself, which also impacted my connection with my environment. My contact with intuition is growing, and this development continues between and after sessions. Exploring unresolved trauma gives me insight, helps me process it, and also restores my connection with my intuition. Many pieces of the puzzle fall into place. I often use the word “magical” to describe what I experience during and through the sessions. Demi creates a sense of calm and trust, so I felt safe diving deep from the beginning to restore my connection with myself.


Demi made me find my way home. For years I walked around with a searching feeling that I was missing something.. but I couldn’t place this. The sessions with Demi put the finger on the right spot: I missed myself. I’ve finally come home, but still have a way to go, but through Demi’s experience and guidance, I know my path.


I actually felt right at home with Demi, as soon as I visited her website because I recognized myself very much in her story. Demi has furnished a very pleasant space where she makes you feel at ease. I was looking for someone who could reconcile talk therapy and spirituality because I felt the answers to my questions (what is the purpose of all the pain I’ve been through so far, why doesn’t it look like and what does my soul want in this life) to be stored in deeper layers of myself, which I could not get up with just talking. I had already had a period of talk therapy for psychological complaints, but I did not get to the heart of the matter. In addition, I suspected that I was highly sensitive and I had questions about this. I’ve had 4 healings with Demi now and a whole new world has opened up for me. Just feeling the energy during the healing and the release of emotions as a result is already special, but the explanation that Demi gives afterwards and the conversation that arises about this is certainly that! We go through a deeper layer almost every healing and I understand my sensitivity, the origin of my psychological and physical problems and my purpose in this life.


Demi is a warm personality and a great conversationalist. It feels very familiar to broach sensitive topics with Demi. During the sessions, frameworks are facilitated in which themes can be understood and transformed. She does this very lovingly and where possible with humor. Demi has helped me to come to certain insights that have certainly helped me. I can recommend her sessions to anyone who wants more insight into his or her own life. Big or small.


A few months ago I found my wonderful guide in Demi, after a long search, deliberation with others, it immediately felt right. She gives me mindblowing insights time after time. One of those things where you keep running around in old patterns and vicious circles, while she pokes through them so you can move on. That is wonderful! In addition, I personally find the combination of energetic healing AND coaching perfect. With the coaching we discuss what keeps me busy, but with the healing I notice that we go just that step further where you can’t come with talking. This has recently given me so much more new insights and my view on things (especially inner convictions) has changed so much. I am now much more comfortable with myself and my surroundings, and less perfectionist and strict. I also feel much more aware and calmer in my head. As Demi says, we peel off a layer every time to get deeper and deeper. Sometimes that feels just as intense, but that’s exactly what you have to go through to get where you need to be. Great to work on myself in this way and to feel how fast I am progressing! Would you like to try this kind of intuitive work? Then Demi is definitely ‘your woman’!


If you ever want to visit me, we offer retreat opportunities. You can find more information on the retreat page or send me a message.

Spoken languages: Dutch / English / Lite Svenska också