Algemene voorwaarden

Article 1 – Applicability

1.1 These general terms and conditions apply to all agreements and transactions between Demi Maatman and the customer.

1.2 Deviations from these general terms and conditions are only valid if they have been expressly agreed in writing between Demi Maatman and the customer.

Article 2 – Services and Products

2.1 Demi Maatman offers various services and products, such as one-on-one sessions, meditations, and online courses.

2.2 The customer is responsible for choosing the services and products that best suit their needs and expectations.

2.3 Demi Maatman reserves the right to modify or discontinue the offered services and products.

Article 3 – Retreats

3.1 In addition to one-on-one sessions and online products, Demi Maatman also offers retreats where participants stay and overnight at a retreat center in Sweden, participating in various activities.

3.2 The retreats are offered based on availability and are announced on Demi Maatman’s website.

3.3 The costs for participating in the retreats are made known in advance on Demi Maatman’s website and must be paid prior to the retreat.

3.4 Cancellation of a retreat must be made in writing via email.

3.5 The following conditions apply for cancellation of a retreat:
Up to 31 days prior to the retreat you can cancel free of charge.
Up to 14 days, you will pay 50% of the total amount (both deposit + remaining balance).
If you cancel within 14 days, there is no refund possible (of both deposit + remaining balance).
However, if you cancel because of unforeseen circumstances (like a sickness for example), the whole amount of the retreat can be credited to a future retreat.

3.6 Participation in the retreats is at the participant’s own risk. Demi Maatman is not liable for any damage or injury resulting from participation in the retreats.

3.7 Participants are required to have valid travel insurance and are responsible for any costs arising from unforeseen circumstances, such as cancellation or early departure.

3.8 Demi Maatman reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the retreats in case of unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters or illness of Demi Maatman.

3.9 By registering for a retreat, the participant agrees to these conditions and must sign a liability waiver prior to the retreat.

Article 4 – Payments

4.1 The customer is required to pay the fee for the services and products delivered according to the rates agreed upon between Demi Maatman and the customer.

4.2 Payments must be made within the period agreed upon between Demi Maatman and the customer.

4.3 In case of late payment, the customer is in default, and Demi Maatman has the right to charge collection costs and interest.

4.3 The invoice/balance is typically sent one month prior to the retreat and can be issued in either Euros (€) or Swedish kronor (SEK). If you book through, you will first pay a 15% deposit in USD at the time of booking. Unless there is a shorter period until the retreat, the remaining balance will be invoiced approximately one month before the retreat. The balance is converted from USD to either Euros or SEK based on the exchange rate on the invoice date, as provided by (mid-market rate). Please note that the final amount may vary slightly due to fluctuations in the exchange rate on the day of payment.

Article 5 – No Replacement for Medical Treatments

5.1 The advice and therapies provided by Demi Maatman are intended to complement regular medical treatments and not as a replacement for them.

5.2 The customer is strongly advised to consult a doctor or medical professional for medical issues before booking a session with Demi Maatman.

Article 6 – Inner Growth and Self-development

6.1 The consultations, meditations, and healings offered by Demi Maatman are intended to support the customer’s path of inner growth and self-development.

6.2 Demi Maatman cannot guarantee specific results or outcomes of the consultations, meditations, and healings.

6.3 The customer remains responsible at all times for their own process of inner growth and self-development, and Demi Maatman is not liable for any consequences or damage resulting from following the offered services.

Article 7 – Liability

7.1 Demi Maatman is not liable for any damage resulting from the use of the services and products offered.

7.2 Demi Maatman is not liable for any consequences or damage resulting from not following the advice and therapies provided.

7.3 Demi Maatman is not liable for any consequences or damage resulting from not providing timely or correct information by the customer.

Article 8 – Force Majeure

8.1 In case of force majeure, such as illness or unforeseen circumstances, Demi Maatman is entitled to suspend or terminate the agreement.

8.2 Demi Maatman will make efforts to inform the customer of the force majeure situation as soon as possible and offer alternative services if possible.

Article 9 – Cancellation of a Consultation

9.1 The customer has the right to cancel a consultation free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the consultation.

9.2 Cancellation within 24 hours before the start of the consultation will result in a charge of the full amount of the consultation.

9.3 Cancellation must be done in writing or by email.

9.4 If the customer fails to show up at the agreed time without cancellation, or is at least fifteen minutes late, the full consultation fee will be charged.

Article 10 – Competent Court

10.1 Swedish law applies to these general terms and conditions.

10.2 Any disputes arising from these general terms and conditions will be exclusively submitted to the competent court in Sweden.

Article 11 – Complaints

11.1 If the customer has a complaint about the services or products provided, they should first contact Demi Maatman to try to resolve the complaint.

11.2 Demi Maatman will address the complaint as soon as possible and attempt to provide a suitable solution.

11.3 If the complaint is not resolved to the customer’s satisfaction, the customer can file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority or disputes committee.

Article 12 – Privacy and Confidentiality

12.1 Demi Maatman respects the privacy of the customer and will treat all personal information confidentially.

12.2 Demi Maatman will take all reasonable measures to protect the customer’s personal information and prevent it from falling into the hands of unauthorized persons.

12.3 The personal information provided by the customer to the holistic psychologist will only be used for providing services to the customer and for administrative purposes.

12.4 The customer has the right to access their personal information collected by the holistic psychologist at any time.

12.5 Demi Maatman will not provide the customer’s personal information to third parties, unless necessary for providing services to the customer or to comply with legal obligations.

12.6 Demi Maatman will inform the customer in advance about the disclosure of personal information to third parties, unless legally not permitted.

12.7 The customer is responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date personal information to the holistic psychologist.

12.8 Demi Maatman will keep confidential information provided by the customer during a consultation confidential, unless legally required to disclose the information.

12.9 Demi Maatman reserves the right to provide confidential information to competent government authorities when legally required or necessary to protect the safety of the customer or others.

12.10 Demi Maatman will inform the customer in advance about the provision of confidential information to third parties, unless legally not permitted.

Article 13 – Invalidity

13.1 If a provision of these general terms and conditions is found to be invalid, the remaining provisions of these general terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

13.2 In such a case, the parties shall consult to agree on a new provision to replace the invalid provision, taking into account as much as possible the purpose and intent of the invalid provision.

**Article 14 – Changes to General Terms and Conditions**

14.1 Demi Maatman reserves the right to change or supplement these general terms and conditions.

14.2 Changes or additions will be announced in a timely manner on Demi Maatman’s website.

14.3 By using the services of Demi Maatman after any changes or additions to the general terms and conditions, you agree to the amended or supplemented conditions.

14.4 If you do not agree with the amended or supplemented conditions, you should not use the services of Demi Maatman.