Lost in the maze of ‘spirituality’ – find your own Source-connection

Categories: RelationshipsBy Published On: 14 August 202411 min read

Searching for ‘truth’ in spiritual practices

What is ‘spirituality’ really? Is everything out there even ‘true’ or ‘pure’? Nowadays, there are so many paths, teachers, roads, and information overloads. You might find yourself searching for answers, experiences or information. Maybe you have already been doing a lot of inner work but are still stuck in certain patterns or fears and still can’t find this feeling of ‘inner peace.’ Perhaps you still don’t fully know who you are deep inside and are prone to take on information from others as truth while ignoring your own intuition. Maybe you even have your own practice, but deep down you’re still not trusting your own gifts and wisdom.

After all this time doing ‘inner work,’ diving into certain topics, learning, reading, and searching, you become tired. Not just tired, but maybe even a bit hopeless. Doubt might creep in: What is the point of all this if I still can’t find inner peace? What is the purpose? What am I actually doing and how much of this is really true? Am I still not ‘healed’ enough? Why do I keep falling into certain patterns? What is the truth? And who am I to share my wisdom when I’m not even sure if what I’m doing is correct?

An invitation to break free from an old way of spirituality

This is an invitation to break free from an old way of spirituality. The old way of spirituality – for me – is: searching for answers outside yourself, not using discernment, waiting for external ‘saviors,’ dissociating from our human self and seeking out-of-body experiences, trying to manifest from our mind/ego, and acting from an inner wound by believing we’re not ‘whole.’

I feel that most of us go through this phase (I have, and I know many people who have). I see it also with most of my retreat guests. This phase is crucial because it shakes us up and forces us to reevaluate what truly resonates with us. It invites us to develop spiritual discernment and to find our answers within. It also invites us to deeply connect with ourselves, without searching for it externally. It is an invitation to build a strong inner foundation—becoming our own guide and healer.

Below, I’ll outline the points I mentioned above: the things that, in my eyes, are big factors in the ‘old way of spirituality.’ The things that keep us away from our own intuition, inner peace, and gifts. Finally, I’ll discuss what spirituality really means to me and how to experience a more embodied way of spirituality that leads to a solid inner foundation with a strong Soul- and Source-connection.

  1. Searching for Answers Outside Yourself

Continuously seeking answers and information outside yourself can be a trap. For example, you might constantly listen to a particular guru or absorb every word of a famous person without questioning whether it resonates with your own intuition. You want to gather as much spiritual knowledge as possible, focusing mainly on the mental aspect of spirituality. The problem here is that you become so engrossed in the mental side of spirituality that you lose connection with your own body and intuition. Your inner development may stagnate because you’re only in your head, not experiencing embodied change.

  1. Not Using Discernment

Not using discernment can apply to all kinds of information that comes your way. For example, you might go to someone for a ‘reading’ and take everything they say as truth. It’s important to realize that no one else can provide 100% pure information meant for you. Others are also human, with their own projections and potential ‘noise on the line.’ You don’t know how pure someone’s channel is or where they are ‘channeling’ their information from. As soon as you take information about yourself from an external source, you’re essentially giving away your own power. A reading can be used to disempower someone, but it can also be used in a pure way to help someone gain insights themselves. But always feel whether someone is pure, stay critical, and test all the information you receive against your own intuition. You are the one who knows best what is true for you. Listen to your own heart.

Even when reading books, channeled texts, or watching documentaries, always feel what the information does to you. Do you feel a knot in your stomach or an uneasy sensation? Or do you feel inner peace and clarity? Don’t place others above yourself, and always pay attention to the signals your body gives. If you constantly go along with all the information you hear or read, you lose connection with your own intuition.

  1. Waiting for External ‘Saviors’

There are countless movements where you can find a certain ‘truth.’ It’s as if there are numerous paths (‘rabbit holes’) where you can lose yourself. One group claims the world is coming to an end and a ‘savior’ will come to save the chosen ones, while another group believes aliens will rescue us from our downfall. And there are many more to mention (yes, I’ve dived into all of them). Meanwhile, these groups don’t realize they are continuously fighting each other over what the truth is, and in doing so, they only create more duality. When you get completely stuck in such a movement and become very fanatical in your opinion, feeling the need to convince others, you might have trapped yourself in an attempt to find something to hold onto. Is something completely taking all of your energy during the day? Are you becoming a bit obsessed with certain information? It might be good to take a moment to connect with your body and feel if this is truly serving you or whether it is a big energy leak.

  1. Dissociating from Our Human Self and Seeking ‘Out-of-Body Experiences’

Many sensitive people have a deep inner sense of insecurity and unsafety and have fled to their minds from an early age, leaving their bodies behind. You might have developed strong survival mechanisms to avoid your feelings or emotions because you never want to experience that pain and insecurity from childhood again. As a result, you might avoid inner work altogether, or you might seek many spiritual experiences but do this in an ’ungrounded’ way.

What do I mean by ‘ungrounded way’? You might be looking for ‘bliss’ experiences in the higher realms, trying to leave your body while meditating, or hopping from one spiritual experience to another while ignoring your human self, intuition, body, and emotions. It’s as if you’re searching for ways to dissociate from your body, the earth, and the ‘here and now.’ This can also create a ‘healing loop,’ where you’re constantly working on yourself but never experience true embodied change and inner peace. It’s because you’re working ‘outside’ of your body, which makes you even more vulnerable and ungrounded in daily life. True embodied change is the other way around: healing our old wounds, anchoring our soul deeper inside our body, and experiencing beautiful grounded ‘blissful’ experiences from that embodied place.

  1. Manifesting from the Mind/Ego

You come across countless accounts that claim, ‘Manifest $X in your bank account within two weeks!’ or ‘Manifest your dream villa within one year.’ But does it work this way? In my view, a crucial step is often overlooked: the soul. When we align with our soul and our soul’s desires, we automatically become a magnet for everything that resonates with that. So, if it is truly your soul’s desire to attract a beautiful villa or to have a certain amount in your bank account (so that, for example, the life of your soul mission becomes easier), there’s nothing wrong with that! When you align yourself with that energy, you will naturally attract it. But this comes from integrity and your soul. That’s different from mentally ‘deciding’ that you want $X in your bank account and wanting to ‘have’ it as soon as possible to fill a void within yourself (so coming from a wounded place). That’s more from the ego/mind. And this way, we end up disappointed when the manifestation doesn’t happen, and we lose faith.

  1. Acting from an Inner Wound: Believing You’re Not ‘Whole’

Unconsciously, many spiritual circles suggest that we are not ‘whole’ as humans. This way, you are constantly encouraged to seek this wholeness in material things, people, or achievements. You might believe that you can only find love in your other half (and not within yourself), that you need to have resolved all your shadows before you are ‘whole,’ or that you need to achieve a certain status before you are ‘someone.’ As a result, you keep searching, but you are continually confronted with that painful feeling of not being ‘whole.’ The more you search from this wound, the more painful it becomes. After all, you are already whole! Your soul is whole. It’s about remembering this and connecting your soul with your human self. Acting from the belief that you are not yet ‘whole’ only widens the gap between your soul and human self, making the pain of separation even stronger.

What Now?

Your ego/mind will always try to hold onto something. It seeks safety outside itself. Especially when there is a deep inner insecurity/unsafety, the fear is even greater of having to let go of certain attachments, even in the spiritual realm. Can you release all your spiritual attachments and newly acquired identities? Can you let go of all the knowledge that no longer resonates with you?

The Spiritual Maze

Imagine that there are countless different routes mapped out for us. They all contain a part of the truth (after all, we are not attracted to them for nothing), but they are also partly distorted and incomplete. In my view, much ancient or ‘higher knowledge’ and information have been disrupted over time. Elements have also been omitted, making it incomplete. Additionally, there are, of course, movements/teachers from more recent times who base their knowledge on their ‘channeled’ information. You also have to question whether that is always 100% pure. By delving into so many different pieces of information, teachers, and movements years ago, I have been able to feel that I was always missing something. There was always a part that resonated, but also a part that didn’t feel right.

It wasn’t until I realized that I wouldn’t find the answers outside myself and started focusing on my own Soul- and Source-connection that I gained clarity and inner peace.

How to Experience Embodied Spirituality

In my view, we are not here to escape our humanity; after all, we are incarnated on earth for a reason. I believe we are here to fully experience our soul IN our human body. It’s about feeling inner security and safety and being our own healer and guide.

For me, at this moment, spirituality is about remembering more and more who I am in essence, my connection with the Divine Source, and embodying and expressing this more and more in daily earthly life. Embodying more love, purity, and authenticity. And a big part of this is learning to be fully human. Learning to BE fully HERE. Enjoying earthly things more and more, deepening your connections with others, being in nature, enjoying the ‘small’ things. Being grateful.

The moment we are fully ‘here,’ with our soul IN our body, we can help transform the earth as well.

From your Soul- and Source-connection, everything flows. The answers you sought, the support you hoped to find outside yourself, the clarity that was missing, and the unconditional love and inner peace that you still didn’t feel. You will experience that the Divine Source and your Soul’s Essence will always whisper to you which direction to take, share wisdom with you, and have an infinite source of love for you. That is the warm bath and the feeling of coming home that you have always longed for.

It’s not black and white – there are many good things out there

Eventually, you’ll also realize that all those spiritual things you’ve detached from also contain many beautiful elements. Perhaps there are books or teachers from whom you’ve learned a lot, and you’ll realize that it’s not black and white, or right or wrong. You can still enjoy reading certain books, going to spiritual ceremonies, listening to wise people – but it’s coming from a place of wholeness within. It’s about how you approach spirituality and spiritual knowledge. Is it coming from an inner emptiness/wound? Are you looking for support outside yourself and are you acting from your mind? Or do you have a solid inner foundation, and all the ’spiritual things’ you do are a pleasant addition to your journey and bring you joy? This makes a huge difference!

After all, don’t just take my writings as absolute. My views also change over time. Simply feel what resonates with you and leave the rest. I’m writing to inspire and activate you, not to impose another ‘truth’ upon you.

Grounding & aligning with your soul’s essence

I’ve recorded a meditation/activation for you (it’s free!), that helps you to strengthen your Soul- and Source connection, while anchoring deeper into your body and connecting with the earth. You can start by doing this activation every day. Do you want guidance during your process? Then take a look at my page about a 1-on-1 online trajectory, a private or small-scale group retreat in magical Sweden or try out one of my other meditations or courses.

Here you can find the links:
Grounding and aligning meditation-activation (free)
Online trajectory
Private retreat in Sweden
Small-scale group retreat in Sweden
Courses and meditations page

More inspiration…
